Stop Using Fungicides

Want to have the best lawn in the block this summer? Then avoid one of the most common lawn care mistakes your neighbors are making: using fungicides as a preventative measure for non-existing fungus problems. There's a time and a place for fungicide use in lawn care, but all too often fungicides are applied unnecessarily, which can cause more problems down the road. 

Here are three reasons why you should resist the urge to use fungicides on your lawn this summer. 

Kills Beneficial Fungi

Yes, there is such a thing as beneficial fungi! Beneficial fungi that help nutrient and water absorption and improve soil structure can get caught in the crossfire when using fungicides. Fungicides are non-selective, which means they will kill everything - even the beneficial fungi in your soil. This can lead to reduced nutrient uptake, diminished soil fertility, and weakened plant resilience, ultimately compromising the overall health of the lawn.

Harms Soil

Anytime you apply something synthetic to the soil, you're disrupting the delicate balance of the soil system. Fungicides are synthetic chemicals designed in a lab, which have side effects just like any medication. In this case, fungicides make it harder for grass and other plants to combat other stresses, increasing the susceptibility of your lawn to pests and diseases. This disruption leads to poorer soil health, decreased nutrient availability, and diminished soil aeration and water retention. 

Creates an Unhealthy Cycle

Staying on the medication theme, fungicides merely treat the symptoms of the problem, they don't address the root cause. By merely masking symptoms of unhealthy lawns that promote fungal growth (such as poor soil health, improper watering, and inadequate lawn care practices) fungicides can lead to a cycle of recurring issues. Sustainable lawn health requires a holistic approach that includes proper soil management, appropriate irrigation, and regular maintenance, rather than relying on chemical treatments alone. 

Instead of using harmful fungicides, take the natural approach:

Cut Back on Watering

 water at the minimal amount possible. This can be counter-intuitive during the summer months when you should be watering at peak levels, but if you have a fungus problem, you need to cut back to the smallest amount possible, which will be different for everyone. In other words, irrigate just enough to keep your lawn out of dormancy. And never water in the afternoon hours, since you don't want your lawn to stay wet overnight. This will  invite disease and fungus into the plant. 

Add Organic Content 

Organic matter helps stimulate your lawn's natural defenses to fungus. Check out a heat defense pack, which will increase organic content in your lawn and help your lawn withstand a fungal infection. 

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